My name is Monica Hicks Jackson and I am the Middle School Guidance counselor. While completing my master’s degree, I worked as a reading intervention specialist at DTM in the Flint Community Schools from 2018-21 and then I completed my internship at Holmes Middle School during the 2021-22 academic year. In April 2022, I graduated from Oakland University with a Master of Arts Degree in Counseling. I am both a licensed school counselor and limited licensed mental health counselor. Upon completing my degree I was selected as the inaugural post master’s fellow by the MSU Counseling and Psychiatric Services center where I worked for the past nine months providing individual and group therapy services to MSU undergraduate and graduate students.
I am excited to be here in Westwood Heights. It is my belief that all persons regardless of race, ethnicity or socioeconomic status should have equal access to resources that optimize their health, mental well-being and success. I possess a strong desire to work with adolescents and young adults to create developmentally appropriate interventions that will close achievement gaps and provide students with the necessary skills to excel academically, socially and emotionally. I believe in a collaborative approach where all stakeholders including teachers, students, administrators and the community are involved in working together to improve student outcomes.
As a school counselor, I make every attempt to make myself available to meet the social emotional and academic needs of the students. I strive to build relationships through mutual respect, strong communication and empathic listening skills. As part of a developing comprehensive school counseling program, classroom guidance lessons on topics such as bullying and behavior expectations will be provided as prevention. In addition, small group counseling sessions to address specific concerns such as grief and loss or social skills will be offered to benefit students who share the same concerns. Individual counseling is available when appropriate and time permits. Sessions can be made through staff referral, student, or parent requests. Through these sessions I will make referrals to outside agencies for more support if needed.
Drop-in counseling with no prior scheduling is available to students with urgent concerns. These concerns may be academic, personal, social, or concern any type of crisis the student may be facing.
I can be reached M-F, 7:45 AM – 3:00 PM by phone or email.
Office: 810-591-8643
Email: [email protected]