Make the Home-School
Know the names of your child’s teachers. • Know the name of the principal, too. • Make sure your child arrives
on time. • Look through the Student/Parent Handbook together to make sure your child knows what is expected at
school. • Visit your local school website frequently. • Eat dinner together as a family as often as you can. • Ask
questions about the school day. For example, “What are you learning in science right now?” or “What was the funniest
thing that happened at school today?” • Ask your child about homework— and look at it when he/she has finished. • If your
child is having trouble with homework, ask the teacher how to get help. • Encourage your child to read for pleasure
every day. • Visit the library together often and register your student for a library card• Play a game together. • Know the names of
your child’s friends. • Encourage creativity and problem-solving with open-ended questions, imaginative play, and a
kid-friendly space for building and creating. • Know the social media applications that your child uses. Talk frankly about
how to stay safe and why it’s important to be careful when posting online. • Hug your child every day. • Attend school
events, meetings, and performances. • Tuck an encouraging note into your child’s backpack. • Every day, tell your
child how proud he or she makes you feel. • Take a walk outside together once a week, and ask about your child’s
favorite and least favorite things about school. • If you sense there is a problem at school, don’t hesitate to talk to the
teacher. • Meet with your younger child’s teacher at least twice a year, and touch base with your older student’s teachers
via email or on parent nights. • Keep up with important school information online……