Parents with A Purpose
Westwood Heights School District believes positive parental involvement is essential to achieve maximum social, emotional and academic growth and encourages participation of parents in all aspects of their child’s education.
The primary and specific purpose for which this organization is formed is to help build and sustain community among the parents, students, faculty, administrators, and staff of Hamady Middle/High School. The Parents with A Purpose assists parents in developing an effective partnership with the school to achieve the best possible educational experience for the students. The Parents with A Purpose recognizes that the entire Hamady Middle/High School community, with its economic, cultural and ethnic diversity, is enriched by the variety of talents, resources, and backgrounds that each parent brings to our school.
We want each of you to share your time and talents with the Hamady Middle/High School community, both in helping with events, as well as attending activities and meetings. Some ways to become involved include:
- Fundraising
- Open Houses & Parent / Teacher Conferences
- Parents With A Purpose Monthly Meetings
- Booster Clubs
- Financial Aid Night
- Mentoring Programs
- Staff Appreciation
- School Beautification Projects
- Yearbook Ads
- Literacy Night
- Math Night
- Exit Presentations
- Community Service Activities
- Honors Assembly
- Parenting Workshops